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Showing posts with label Sake. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Wagyu: Halal Or Not?

Dear Readers,

There are many debates regarding this issue. Either Wagyu beef is Halal or Not. As per our knowledge on Halalan Thoyyiban issue, this points to what extend the cattle / beef is being fed in its lifetime in order to achieve the marbling in its meat.

Marbling in Wagyu beef is possible with the existence of Intramuscular Fat, or IMF, which essentially are fat between the muscles of the cows - which eventually becomes the meat that we eat. Hence, the cow’s diet heavily influences the marbling of the meat. That said, real authentic Wagyu are from cattle which are fed alcoholic beverages because the consumption of alcohol increases their IMF, which later translate to a higher grade Wagyu because of greater marbling. This then begs the question - is Wagyu then halal?

So what is Wagyu beef in general?

In simple words, Wagyu means Japanese cow; but not just any Japanese cow. Wagyu refers to specific breed of Japanese cattle which possess a special genetic value. There is also a difference between Japanese wagyu beef and general wagyu beef. Wagyu beef is popular around the world because quality it has a quality of taste far superior which makes a huge difference for the consumer.

Wagyu is also known as “the luxurious beef”. Wagyu beef is exceptionally delicious because of the abundance of intramuscular fats which ensures an eating experience fit for royalty - tender and juicy. A pound of Wagyu beef is always much more expensive than your typical beef.

First Argument: the Hukum of Halal/Haram (directly translated: The legislation what is allowed or not allowed in Islam) befalls the human and not animals. One of the requirements to be muslim (aka to be able to accept Islam) is Aql - ie. a sound mind or the ability to think for themselves. Animals do not have aql and behave in the form of their fitrah (naturally occurring). Therefore, they cannot be subjected to Islamic Halal/Haram legislation like humans. This means that what the cattle eat or drink do not matter for its meat to be halal for muslim consumption. The Halal/Haram legislation for Wagyu therefore starts at the condition of the animal and its method of slaughter - ie. The animal has to be healthy, free of diseases and it has to be slaughtered in accordance to Islamic rites - that’s all. The rest don’t matter.

Second Argument: For the scholars who consider alcohol in its physical form to be filthy, then Wagyu beef is Jallalah, therefore eating Wagyu beef would only be makruh or discouraged. (Narrated by Ibn Umar rhuma: "The Prophet pbuh forbids from eating Jallalah and its milk." (Hadith narrated by Abu Daud, Tirmizhi, Ibn Majah and Al Baihaqi. Sheikh Albani grades this hadith as Sahih.))

Halal Certification of Wagyu conventionally follows the second line of argument

What is the Difference Between Japanese, Australian and Chilean Wagyu?

Japanese Wagyu is pure breed, and the pinnacle of wagyu. Australian and Chilean wagyu, are cross breeds and things such as the grass and the climate, can have a slightly different, yet incredibly pleasing flavor profile.


Based on what we already know, most Australian wagyu beef is Halal certified but not all Japanese wagyu beef are Halal. On Chilean Wagyu, most is not certified halal as per record. It may be change in the future but not now. So please beware of the halal issue on Wagyu beef.

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